Sunday, February 14, 2010

This is what we listen to all day

Oliver is much calmer if we have music playing in the background.  His favorites are Raffi, and the girl named Laurie Berkner.  I love her.  Seriously.
Go to the video... its amazing.  It's Oliver's favorite song, and he sings along to it.  My favorite one about monsters, but I couldn't find that one.
I have had to turn off these guys because I have figured out my limit to the same c.d. is about 5 times in a row.  I have been turning on pandora and I love their toddler channel, especially when they sing the song about fizzy milk.  I couldn't find the video for that... but this one is pretty good too.

Also, I took off my backspace key yesterday because it was feeling sticky.  I cleaned under it, and when I finally got it back on, it clicks weirdly. 
Just thought you wanted to know.

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